Kiss My Aster

How Hot Is It?

Daylilies doing their best…
Ash showing signs of Emerald Ash Borer a little faster than it normally would…
Daylilies doing their best…
Ash showing signs of Emerald Ash Borer a little faster than it normally would…

HOW HOT IS IT? I went out to pull the weeds but instead I read them the weather forecast and they pulled themselves…

HOW HOT IS IT? I don’t have to mow my lawn, but perhaps I could give it a good Swiffering…

HOW HOT IS IT? Red Hot Poker can only be planted if you have an extinguisher nearby

HOW HOT IS IT? The Emerald Ash Borer was just reclassified as the Kentucky Fried Ash Borer…

HOW HOT IS IT? I’m wearing a Gator Bag as a tube top…

HOW HOT IS IT? The Weeping Willow is now the Chronically Depressed Willow

HOW HOT IS IT? I have sun dried tomatoes… on the vine

HOW HOT IS IT? The variegated Hostas took off their stripes in effort to stay cool….

HOW HOT IS IT? Smoke Bush is required to kick it down a notch and is now Nicotine Patch Bush

HOW HOT IS IT… where you live?

View 2 comments


  1. BrendaCoulter 07/23/2012

    I love the daylilies photo. The flowers look like small flames about to consume the dried foliage.

  2. erinnik 07/24/2012

    Drove through Kentucky a week ago. No blue grass to be seen! Just brown grass and lots of burned spots next to the highway! (Watch those cigarette butts everyone!)

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