Garden Photo of the Day

GPOD on the Road: Spring at Wellfield Botanic Gardens

Daffodils, daffodils, and more daffodils

Joseph in northern Indiana here. Last week I got a chance to visit Wellfield Botanic Gardens in Elkhart, Indiana. It is a beautiful little garden, with lots to see, and this time of year the daffodil display is incredible.

The garden is built around a beautiful lake, and as I arrived there were clumps of daffodils along the water and beautiful views to be had.

And then looking across the water, I saw big stripes and splashes of color. Hmm . . . better go see what that is.

Upon reaching the other side of the lake, I encountered just a few daffodils! The different varieties are planted in big blocks and rivers, making really dramatic displays.

I’m always drawn to lighter-colored daffodils for some reason. I love these with white petals surrounding a dark orange cup.

This soft yellow was maybe my favorite of them all. It reminds me of the variety ‘Fellows Favorite’, though I’m not sure if that is what it is. I didn’t see a label with the cultivar name, but the soft lemon yellow just glowed on this cloudy spring day.

The daffodils made a golden river along the edge of this path. Just magical!


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  1. User avater
    simplesue 04/17/2024

    Such a pretty photo of the yellow daffodils with the old fence behind them, such a beautiful little park.

  2. MohawkValley 05/02/2024

    Beautiful ----- and a real sight to see in person .

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