The Dirt

Gardening, gremlins, curtains: Three things that should have nothing in common

Photo/Illustration: Steven Cominsky
Photo/Illustration: Steven Cominsky

One sign that you might be a gremlin? You don’t like bright light. I think I’m
safe, though, because that is the only similarity between me and those furry
cuties from the 1984 film. I am not small or remotely cuddly. And I have no
problem whatsoever eating after midnight — or any time for that matter. But I
do have an aversion to bright light which causes me to have a darkened computer
screen (and the subsequent question from all who see it: Why is your screen so

So it should come as no surprise that when the sunlight comes screaming
through my office windows and onto my workspace, I flee like I were a vampire
(another option I have ruled out due to my preference for well-done steak).
Blinds were a natural solution, but I am blessed with a mother who can make
curtains. My lone contribution to the project was to pick out the fabric (at a
local JoAnn Fabric store), which has a man-friendly gardening motif (a rare
find, I must say). I love them and the softened light they provide, so I am
proud to share them with you. Does anyone else have a one-of-a-kind,
gardening-related decoration or craft they’d like to tell us about?

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