Garden Photo of the Day

Beyond the Container: Paula Klaas

Paula Klaas's winning #ContainerCraze container

Paula Klaas is the winner of Fine Gardening's #ContainerCraze challenge sponsored by Storm™ Agapanthus.  Her container features Bonfire® begonia (Begonia boliviensis Bonfire®), spider flower (Cleome spp. and cvs.), treasure flower (Gazania spp. and cvs.), and more. Continue reading to learn more about some of these plants.

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This container was a finalist in Fine Gardening's 2009 "Fire and Ice" container contest, and features Bonfire® begonia (Begonia boliviensis Bonfire®, Zones 10-11).  This container shows how Bonfire® begonia pairs nicely with 'Wizard Mix' coleus, Foxtail fern, and 'Margarita' sweet potato vine. See more finalist containers here.
Here's another container that features Bonfire® begonia (Begonia boliviensis Bonfire®, Zones 10-11).  This container was a finalist in Fine Gardening's 2007 Design Challenge.  The contianer demonstrates how Bonfire® begonia can also be used as a spiller plant in any container design. Click here to see the other finalists.
Spider flower (Cleome spp. and cvs., Zone 11) is a tall plant with upward-reaching stems and colorful flowers that can add height to any garden or container. It is also known for being deer resistant.  Click here to see what other plants will stay safe from deer in your garden.

View 5 comments


  1. frankgreenhalgh 06/24/2016

    Nice, creative arrangement Paula. Congratulations on your award.

  2. User avater
    meander_michaele 06/24/2016

    Kudos to you, Paula, on your delightful container composition. Although each plant is somewhat delicate and airy, working together they create substance and interest. Perhaps you or someone else can tell me the identity of the tallest element with the dark leaves? It really coordinates beautifully with the subtle darkish streaks in the pot.

  3. anitaberlanga 06/24/2016

    lovely container, Paula. Is that bugbane (cimicifuga) atop?

  4. Cenepk10 06/24/2016

    Really interesting combos. I'm imagining you using fine instruments to remove the dirt from the delicates roots - similar to an archeologist on a dig- so that you can squeeze all those plants into the container. It escapes me, thus far, to successfully cram that many plants in a container & for them to thrive !!! Really beautiful !!!
    As for cleome... Be still my heart ! One of my all time favorites !!! I compost them when they die- top dress the beds - and have the lovelies everywhere!!!!

  5. eddireid 06/24/2016

    Congratulations, Paula, on being the winner. Your choice of plants and composition are truly lovely. My own efforts are never so spectacular - well done.

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