Garden Photo of the Day

A Winter Garden Elsewhere

Saroj Sawhney shares her garden in New Delhi with us today!

"2015 December at the SHYAMKHET gardens in uttrakhand, India. With winter at its peak, a large part of the garden is showing signs of plants in a drying Mode; but many also bring cheer by their colourvand shades of green. Some glimpses of colours and shades and family enjoying the citrus fruits, and the jams Made from the organic citrus trees."

Have a garden you'd like to share? Please email 5-10 photos (and a brief story about your garden) to [email protected], or tag your photos on Instagram or Twitter with #FineGardening!

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Freshly plucked citrus

The jams from the citrus fruits

View 7 comments


  1. user-3565112 01/11/2016

    Fruit, fresh from your garden to your table, makes all your effort worthwhile. Your photos on a 25 deg. Monday morning, are a great way to start the week. Thank you Ms. Sawhney & good luck,

  2. User avater
    meander_michaele 01/11/2016

    Your first photo is particularly eye catching, Saroj, with the sun drenched warm tones in the table cloth echoing the backlit colors in the exotic Bird of Paradise "standing" nearby...beautiful picture. Your harvest looks wonderful and oh, so healthy!

  3. user-4691082 01/11/2016

    I can almost taste that jam! Yum!

  4. greengenes 01/11/2016

    What a beautiful place you have, Saroj...And how wonderful to be able to grow fruit and make jam. Your country is so full of life and unusual plants! Thanks for sharing a part of your life there!

  5. annek 01/11/2016

    What a feast for the eyes. Beautiful!

  6. sheila_schultz 01/11/2016

    Your first photo makes me feel like I'm on a movie set Saroj, so lovely!

  7. GrannyMay 01/11/2016

    Thank you for sharing your enticing photos with us. Here is one link to the Facebook page of these gardens It sounds like a wonderful place to visit and purchase some of the delicious-looking jams.

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