Garden Photo of the Day

A Few Instagram Favorites

Late Summer @thelocalgardener

We're trying something new today! We selected a few photos from Instagram that were tagged with #FineGardening to share with you!

If you have a photo you'd like featured via Instagram, be sure to tag it with #FineGardening!

Please keep sending in photos (and stories)! Whether you've never shared before or you've been featured multiple times, we want to see your garden! Email a few photos and the story behind your garden to [email protected].

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I sure love this hardy clematis. It's climbing over an antique bed frame that I got a farm auction in Saskatchewan, Canada. It's blooming for the second time this summer. Lucky me! @thegardengal

Knock out roses constantly blooming! @thegardengroup

A native to the eastern U.S., wood aster (Eurybia divaricata) is a wonderful addition to the shade and evening gardens @trowelandtrellis

This photo comes from Vashon, Washington @aarmstro0 

View 8 comments


  1. user-4691082 09/04/2015

    Thanks to all of you who shared. All the photos are beautiful. Our collective love for gardening is so much fun!

  2. User avater
    meander_michaele 09/04/2015

    Each photo is a wonder each person wanted to share.

  3. VikkiVA 09/04/2015

    Stunning photos of such beauty. Thanks for sharing! Vikki in VA

  4. GrannyCC 09/04/2015

    Unique idea to share these photos. Love them all.

  5. lesliefarrelldelongpre 09/04/2015

    These pictures are wonderful. It makes me want to see more of their gardens!

  6. perenniallycrazy 09/04/2015

    Nice gardens! I admire your patience Susan, it must have taken you awhile to find these photos as there are so many on Instagram.

  7. Cenepk10 09/04/2015

    Beautiful !!!!!!!

  8. Cenepk10 09/04/2015

    I noticed my pics were absent …. sigh KIDDING !!!!!!!

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