pollinator garden - Page 3 of 5 - Fine Gardening

  • plants for butterflies

    20 Great Plants for Butterflies

    Because butterflies need a mix of host and nectar plants to survive, butterfly gardens also provide a wonderful cornucopia of beauty for the gardener. Annuals, perennials, trees, and shrubs that…

  • elements of a butterfly garden

    How to Build a Successful Butterfly Garden

    With their populations in decline, butterflies need all the help they can get. Host and nectar plants are the key components for a butterfly garden. However, it’s a good idea…

  • how to create a butterfly garden

    How to Create a Butterfly Haven

    I will never forget when I became hooked on butterflies. It was 2007, my first year working at Powell Gardens in Kingsville, Missouri. Each spring the garden includes milkweeds (Asclepias…

  • cat sipping water from garden water feature

    Visiting John’s Beautiful Gardens Again

    Today we’re revisiting John Blair’s beautiful garden in Michigan. I thought Garden Photo of the Day might enjoy seeing some updates on the progress of my pollinator gardens since my…

  • garden bed full fo pink and purple flowers

    Pam’s Garden in Montana

    My name is Pam Alvord. In 2019 I submitted photos of our North Carolina garden in Zone 7B (Learning From Gardening in Different Climates). I explained that I have gardened…

  • garden in spring with bulbs and flowers in a containers

    Barb’s Garden Habitat

    Hi. I am Barb Mrgich, a Master Gardener from Adams County, Pennsylvania. I have gardened on the same land in Zone 6B for 34 years. For the past 10 years,…

  • swallowtail butterfly on a bright purple flower

    A Pollinator Garden on Lake Huron

    Today we’re visiting with Laura Pisko and her lake-house garden on the east shore of Lake Huron in Ontario. For 10 years I have been developing a pollinator garden in…

  • garden bed with white and pink flowers

    Katie’s Indiana Garden

    I’m Katie. I’m a proud Midwesterner, and all of these photos are from my Indiana backyard garden. By day, I am a licensed and certified speech-language pathologist. By weekend and…

  • An Interview with Doug Tallamy

    Episode 120: An Interview With Doug Tallamy

    We are very pleased to bring you a special episode of Let’s Argue About Plants today, featuring an interview with Douglas Tallamy, PhD, professor of entomology and wildlife ecology at…

  • Eastern Tiger Swallowtail on a bright pink coneflower

    Proof Is in the Pollinators

    Shelley Haefner is sharing a beautiful garden with us today. One of the best ways to know if you’re planting for pollinators is if you see a continual increase in…