hydrangea macrophylla - Fine Gardening

  • Article

    Jewels of Fall in Fran’s Garden

    My name is Fran. We live on Martha’s Vineyard, an island of Massachusetts. I sent photos last summer (2020). I find beauty in the fall and winter from my gardens.…

  • How-To

    How and When to Prune Bigleaf Hydrangeas

    Almost everybody is enchanted by the large, mophead blooms of bigleaf hydrangea (Hydrangea macrophylla and cvs., Zones 4–9). And it seems that almost everybody who grows these flowering shrubs has…

  • Article

    Welcome Back

    Today we’re sharing more photos from Carla Mudry’s beautiful garden. You can see a previous post from her garden here. She shared so many wonderful photos with us that we…

  • Design

    An Inspiring Garden Design for Continuous Color

    Here at the Singing Tree Gardens Nursery, we hear the same comment throughout the year: “Your gardens are so interesting and colorful!” How could any other compliment be more rewarding…

  • Article

    Garden Design Ideas: Color and Form

    Normally, the best way to add balance to a design with a lot of small leaves and fine texture is to add big, bold, textured leaves. But Deborah Ellman’s garden…

  • Bobo Panicle Hydrangea

    Regional Picks: Foundation-Friendly Plants – Midwest

    Find foundation-friendly plants for the Midwest below, and read the article by Nick McCullough for even more ideas: “The most critical aspect of your foundation beds is selecting plants that…

  • Design

    A Gentle Approach to Planting on a Slope

    When creating a new garden design, I first analyze existing elements to decide what works, what doesn’t, and why. Architectural and hardscaping elements are a good place to begin. When…

  • Article

    Regional Picks: Plants with the Best Fall Colors – Northwest

    1. Table Grapes Name: Vitis labrusca cvs. USDA hardiness zones: 5 to 8 Size: 5 to 25 feet tall and 5 to 15 feet wide Conditions: Full sun; good air…

  • Design

    One Bed, Two Exposures Beautifully Blended

    Seldom do large gardens fall into one exposure cat­e­gory. Most beds get a mix of sun and shade and everything in between. If you’re like many gardeners, when you have…

  • Design

    You’re Going to Love Your Shade

    Most of us aren’t fortunate enough to have a full day’s worth of sun in our gardens, yet even the most experienced among us is still a little intimidated by…