Holiday Wreath - Fine Gardening
Wreath Inspiration from Williamsburg
This is Kevin Kelly, and I have posted photos of my garden in the past. With the holidays approaching, I thought I would share photos of some of the beautiful…
Winter Wreath Making
Friend of the GPOD Cherry Ong makes beautiful wreaths each year for the holiday season, and today she is sharing a bunch of beautiful ones with us. She made all…
Make a DIY Christmas Wreath: 6 Design Ideas for a Welcoming Winter Stoop
Long-time Garden Photo of the Day contributor Cherry Ong may be the poster gardener for the spirit of the season. It has become a tradition for Cherry to make DIY…
Ideas for Seasonal Decorations From the Garden
Today, regular GPOD contributor Cherry Ong in Richmond, British Columbia, Canada, is sharing her from-the-garden season decorations: Given COVID and all the chaos surrounding it, I've found relief and refuge…
Seasonal Decorating Using Southern Flora
Much of the fresh greenery sold for decorating at this time of year in the South is shipped in from colder climates. Firs (Abies spp. and cvs., Zones 3–8) and…
How to Make a Holiday Wreath
Greens • Eastern white pine (Pinus strobus, Zones 3–8) • Norway spruce (Picea abies, Zones 2–7) • Weeping Alaskan cedar (Xanthocyparis nootkatensis 'Pendula', Zones 4–7) • ‘Golden Mop’ Japanese false…