green - Fine Gardening
What Chartreuse Plants Can Do for You
Chartreuse is the strawberry ice cream of the garden. Everybody knows what the three most common ice cream flavors are. First, there is vanilla, which pairs with just about anything.…
A Garden in 40 Shades of Green
Emmanuel Touhey sent us these photos of his garden in Burke, Virginia, just outside Washington, D.C. This is my first real American garden. Born and raised in Ireland, I moved…
Garden Inspiration From British Columbia, Part 2
Today we’re sharing more of Cherry Ong's photos of the gardens at the Government House in Victoria, British Columbia. Part 1 was yesterday, so check that out if you missed…
Designing With Green
This ubiquitous color, when used well, can be just as exciting as vibrant flowers
Giant Snapdragons!
Today’s photos come from Peggy Rupert. Our garden is in Brookings, Oregon, on Pacific Coast. You can get a glimpse of the Pacific in the background of some of the…
A Year Round Garden in Central Texas
With the mild climate in place, October becomes a busy time in the garden for Julie Rorrer as she begins to plant her favorite winter crops.
Designing a Tranquil Garden
My ideal garden is a serene place, one in which I feel connected to the natural world through rich, sensory experiences. It is a place that generates a sense of…
Kitchen Gardening
Bring on the Bokashi!! Part One
This method of intensive composting has advantages over traditional composting.
Raised Bed Pest Cover
If you have a raised bed garden, here's an "add-on" you can build to keep most pests from munching on your plants. You're basically building a "lid" that fits on…