Combinations - Page 2 of 5 - Fine Gardening
Pick the Perfect Purple
Learn how to use different shades of this coveted color to create a desired effect
Designer Secrets for Over-the-Top Pots
Learn the dos and don'ts of creating jaw-dropping containers
Plant Guide
‘Ruby Ribbons’ switch grass
Panicum virgatum 'Ruby Ribbons'Panicum Ruby Ribbons’ soft blue-green foliage emerges in the spring on upright, clumping plants.
Plant Guide
Deadnettle, yellow archangel
Lamium galeobdolon 'Hermann's Pride''Hermann's Pride' is small, but bold.
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Hotel California rose
Rosa 'Hotel California'Large, very full clear yellow blooms.
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R. K. Witherspoon rose
Rosa 'R. K. Witherspoon'This hybrid tea rose has beautiful champagne white flowers blushed with pink and yellow at the base.
Plant Guide
Flower Carpet® Amber ground-cover rose
Rosa × ‘NOA97400A’Each bush is covered in a mass explosion of amber blooms.
Plant Guide
Threadleaf coreopsis
Coreopsis hybrid 'Route 66''Route 66' features big, bold, bicolor blooms.