Colorful/Yellow Foliage - Fine Gardening
Floral Sunshine From Barb
This is Barb Mrgich, Master Gardener from Adams County, Pennsylvania. I have sent in several entries in the past. (Butterflies in Barb's Garden and Barb's Favorite Photos ) I love…
Shady Planting Ideas
Shade gardeners may not believe this, but they don’t have it so bad. Gardeners stuck with full sun covet the plants that can grow in low-light areas. They crave a serene…
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Golden Duchess™ Eastern Hemlock
Tsuga canadensis 'MonKinn'Like a jewel in the landscape, this superb new dwarf conifer nearly glows with golden-yellow foliage on graceful, arching branches. Its low, mounding form and improved sun tolerance over other…
Plant Guide
‘Jordan’ full moon maple
Acer shirasawanum 'Jordan'Leaves emerge a lovely pastel orange, changing to stunning bright yellow through the summer with red seeds that push up above the leaves.