blanket flower - Fine Gardening
10 Great Natives for a Sunny Border
The South Garden at Mt. Cuba Center in Hockessen, Delaware, has been nicknamed the “pizza oven” by those who tend it. It sits in full sun, and its antique brick…
20 Great Perennials to Start From Seed
Perennials are the workhorses of most gardens. They reliably return, year after year, and bulk up relatively fast. Perennials can be pricey, though, especially when compared to many annual plants,…
First Year of a New Garden
Welcome to Amy Derhalli’s garden! I live in Camas, Washington, on the Columbia River, Zone 8, at about 500 ft. elevation. This is the garden’s first year. It’s big because…
Big Blooms That Don’t Flop
Like most gardeners, I swoon at the sight of a border filled with towering delphiniums, head-high dahlias, and deliciously fragrant peonies. These are the coveted candies of the quintessential cottage…