Birds in the Garden - Fine Gardening
Small Garden Guests in Maxine’s Garden
Hi GPODers! Yesterday we saw the flowers that beat the heat in Maxine Brisport's garden (if you missed it, check that out here) and today we get to see the…
Visitors in Maxine’s Garden
We’re in Rotterdam, New York, visiting with Maxine Brisport today. My daily walk through the garden has become a ritual. I absolutely enjoy gazing at the colors and softly inhaling…
Libby’s Backyard Wildlife Habitat
I’m Libby Breitenbaugh, and I garden in Zone 8a in Irmo, South Carolina. I’m sharing a few photos from summer 2022. I have been gardening for over 30 years. I…
How to Build a Bird-Feeder Wreath
In winter, food can be hard for birds to come by. Using materials from your yard, you can make a wreath that both feeds them and looks good while doing…
Designing Bird-Friendly Gardens in the Mountain West
One of the unexpected benefits of working from home during the pandemic has been watching what happens in my yard throughout the week. It has brought me both delight and…
Native Plants for the Birds
I feel very fortunate to live near a tributary of the Delaware River, a stop on the great Atlantic flyway used by songbirds and raptors as they migrate between Central…
Grow Birdhouse Gourds
While you're planting food and flowers in your garden, why not plant a garden craft, as well? Birdhouse gourds or bottle gourds are one of the thick-skinned gourds that are…