

Leucanthemum × superbum 'Becky'

Leucanthemum includes more than 30 species of annuals and perennials grown for their daisy flowers, which are usually gleaming white with yellow centers. Blooming from spring to fall and growing from just several inches to several feet, there is a Leucanthemum for almost any garden situation. Grow them in borders, alpine beds, rock gardens, wild gardens, or cut flower gardens. Leucanthemum species were formerly in the Chrysanthemum genus.

Noteworthy CharacteristicsWhite daisy flowers with yellow centers

CareSite in full sun or partial shade and moist but well-drained soil that is moderately fertile. Alpine species need full sun and excellent drainage. Provide support to the taller species.

PropagationStart species from seed, either sowing in situ (annuals) or in a cold frame in autumn or spring (perennials). Perennials may also be divided in early spring or late summer. Cultivars should be divided or started from basal cuttings.

ProblemsAphids, slugs, earwigs, chrysanthemum nematodes, and leaf spots may cause problems.

Species and cultivars

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