6 to 10 feet - Page 2 of 13

  • Plant Guide

    Surfinia™ Trailing Deep Red Petunia

    Petunia 'Surfinia Trailing Deep Red'

    Surfinia petunias have revolutionized gardening with their outstanding performance. profusely from spring through fall. minimizing the need to deadhead. and disease resistance – withstanding heat, cold, wind and rain. petunias…

  • Plant Guide

    Snow Lace® gray dogwood

    Cornus racemosa 'Emerald'

    This native shrub dogwood is more compact than the species with semiglossy, emerald green foliage and showy, white fruit.

  • Plant Guide

    American red raspberry

    Rubus strigosus

    This native species flowers in summer, producing edible fruits and leaves suitable for making tea.

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    ‘Pink Delight’ angel’s trumpet

    Brugmansia suaveolens 'Pink Delight'

    Foot-long, rich pink blossoms are nocturnally fragrant and pour out from narrow calyces to terminate in wide, flared openings.

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    Bottlebrush buckeye

    Aesculus parviflora

    Large palmate-leaved shrub with showy white 12-inch-tall blooms in summer, followed by smooth-skinned fruit.

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    ‘Pleniflora’ Japanese kerria

    Kerria japonica ‘Pleniflora’

    This plant is a double-flowered cultivar of a suckering shrub from China and Japan.

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    Littleleaf cordia

    Cordia parvifolia

    Though its leaves are small, this semi-deciduous shrub stands out in the landscape.

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    Eastern wahoo

    Euonymus atropurpureus

    Because it is a relative of the immensely popular burning bush ( E.

  • Plant Guide

    Feelin’ Blue Deodar Cedar

    Cedrus deodara

    A unique dwarf spreading evergreen with bluish-green needles.

  • Plant Guide

    Highbush blueberry

    Vaccinium corymbosum

    Highbush blueberry provides four seasons of fanfare, starting with twisted, peeling stems in winter; profuse white or pink blossoms in spring; savory blue fruit in summer; and long-lasting foliage the…