Gardening Answers

Vegetables that can be started late in summer?

| Posted in Southeast Gardening on

What are some good veggie crops that can be started in late summer in Georgia?


  1. Frankie251 | | #1

    I’m near the beach in Pensacola, and started some Georgia collards about a week ago around mid-August. I’m keeping the seed trays in the shade to keep from cooking the seeds in the 90 plus degree heat. I noticed this morning that I have some starting to pop up. I also started cabbage seeds and onion seeds a few days ago. I’m hoping it’s not too hot. I’ll start broccoli today or tomorrow, and again, keep the trays out of direct sun. Hopefully, by the time they’re ready to transplant, we’ll be cooling off a bit in September. My garden is full of cowpeas and okra, the two things you can plant in July around here. Those will come out by October and I’ll add more cool weather vegetables.

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    DrPulte_Moderator | | #2

    Great advice in the first comment. I am seeding cool-season greens right now to transplant later in the fall when the weather cools off. You could get away with a new crop of radish if you like them. Kale is something I am seeding now - not to eat but to plant in ornamental areas.

    1. Frankie251 | | #3

      I love radishes. I’ve been waiting for my soil to cool a bit before planting again, but may go ahead and get some in the ground and see how they do. I’ve not eaten much Kale, and have never really grown it, but I understand it’s very nutritious, so I may add some Kale. There never seems to be enough space for everything.

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