I haven’t ordered seeds yet, but have many post-its sticking out of many catalogs! I’d be interested to know what everyone is most excited about ordering this year. Are you trying anything new? I’m going to add globe amaranth to my batch of annuals, after seeing a friends success with them. I like the thought of drying them along with straw flowers, which I’ll be growing again.
Hey there Chloe! I am the Mountain West moderator, but yes! I did order a couple of packets of Lauren's Grape poppy seeds, and they will get tossed out in the garden in a couple of days. And. like you, I also have a zillion of the post-it tabs sticking out of all the garden catalogs. If it warms up a bit this weekend, I will go through the existing seed inventory and finalize the orders.
Hi Maryanne, I'm envious that you're ready to sow! Well, I could scatter some spring seed, but still wouldn't see anything for months. You've inspired me to take another look at the poppy seed offerings. Our spring is often so short and warm that poppies don't always last long. Do you get a long stretch of cool weather where you are?
Don't be envious! Our last frost date is WAY OUT: May 10. Our cold weather in the high desert go from November to the end of April/first of May. So I won't be out there doing much until mid March except some cleanup. And watching the spring bulbs come up.
I toss the poppy seeds out now to vernalize them for better blooms. Oriental poppies will be in full bloom mid-late May. These are P. somniferum, so they should be a bit later, maybe on the first of June.