Gardening Answers

Do self-watering planters work?

| Posted in Mid-Atlantic Gardening on

I have a large indoor plant collection that takes a tremendous amount of time to water. I’ve seen a lot of buzz around self-watering planters, but I’m skeptical. Do self-watering planters actually work or are they going to kill my precious plants?


  1. User avater Moderator
    LSweeney_moderator | | #1

    I have not personally used self-watering pots, but from what I've heard the experience can be kind of hit and miss. Some people seem to have great success, while others report root rot and fungus gnats. Like most things in gardening, if this is something you'd like to try, I think its likely that you might have to do some experimenting and go through some process of trial and error. Since you have a large collection, perhaps you could start with a few of your plants that seem to need the most water as a lower stakes entry point into the world of self-watering pots?

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