Structures - Fine Gardening

  • Article

    Making Sustainable Xeriscapes Easier in the Southwest

    The concept of xeriscaping is nothing new. People in drier parts of the world have always taken inventive steps to stretch their resources, through water storage, crop selection, structural design,…

  • an eco-friendly front yard

    How an Eco-Friendly Redesign Turned this Uninspired Landscape into a Sustainable Haven

    Narberth is one of many neighborhoods on the historic Main Line in Philadelphia’s western suburbs. Known as America’s Garden Capital, this area is home to a variety of public gardens,…

  • pool shed next to pergola and garden

    Terry’s Pool Shed Transformation

    Happy Monday GPODers! We're starting the week off with a colorful garden transformation in Northridge, California. Terry Sanders shared her flower-filled garden in SoCal earlier this year (Terry’s California Garden),…

  • Design

    How to Grow Annual Sunflowers for Pollinators and Wildlife

    As we enter the dog days of summer, many of us are buzzing about with trips to the beach, firing up the old grill, and celebrating our country’s independence. In…

  • table and bench inside potting shed

    Brad’s DIY Greenhouse

    Hey there! My name is Brad Johnson, and I garden in northeastern Ohio (Zone 6b). I’m sharing some photos of my DIY greenhouse/potting shed. We constructed this over the summer…

  • Trellises work well against walls and fencing

    How to Choose a Structure for Vining Plants

    Are you looking to add interesting height to your garden, camouflage a view, or bring life to a barren zone? Check out these structural strategies, all of which come in…

  • long garden path with bridge that cuts through garden beds and small pond

    Garden of the Kings

    My name is Joanne Guerriero, and this is the garden created by my dad, Donald King, age 88. It's located in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, a 6B zone. Nineteen years ago…

  • An arbor trellis with hanging gourds

    Cool Trellising Ideas

    A trellis is a utilitarian thing. Normally, vines scramble along the ground until they find something to climb on. We gardeners, always seeking to help a plant out, are smart…

  • Bold Plants With Stunning Structure

    5 Bold Plants With Stunning Structure

    An interesting, structural layout like the one in this garden deserves interesting, structural plants. The following selections, which grow in prominent areas of the zigzag bed, provide bold accents through…

  • view of exposed logs in the hugel bed with purple flowers on top

    A Hugel Garden

    My name is Syd Carpenter. I am a home gardener in Philadelphia. Two years ago the Woodmere Art Museum asked me to design a garden for their site. Along with…