Pruning - Page 3 of 25

  • pruning smooth hydrangeas

    A Better Way to Prune Smooth Hydrangeas

    All of the hydrangeas in the native hydrangea plant trial done at Mt. Cuba Center bloom on new wood, which means that the flower buds develop when the shrub starts…

  • I Am Happy clematis

    An Easy Approach to Clematis Pruning

    As gardeners look forward to the joys of spring, we often turn to pruning to exercise our green thumbs. Knowing when and how to prune clematis (Clematis spp. and cvs.,…

  • How-To

    How to Thin Herb Seedlings 

    Growing herbs from seed is an incredibly rewarding and inexpensive way to savor homegrown flavor fresh from your garden. Getting the seeds to sprout is generally the easiest step. However,…

  • rose pruning

    Simple Approaches to Rose Pruning

    Often the key to keeping roses happy, healthy, and looking their best is proper pruning. This is done using specific techniques and timing, depending on the type of rose you…

  • Design

    Rethinking a Mature Garden: Tour with Laura Trowbridge 

    Author Laura Trowbridge got readers thinking about how to use annuals in Fine Gardening #177, then she showed us how to make changes as a garden matures in issue #210.…

  • overgrown shrub before pruning

    Rejuvenation Pruning Tips for Overgrown Shrubs

    The mild days of winter offer gardeners an opportunity to tend to tasks that are best done when the landscape is dormant. One of those tasks is the rejuvenation or…

  • Essential Tools for Pruning

    Essential Tools for Pruning

    These small pruners go easy on your hands There are many great bypass pruners on the market, but I had carpal tunnel surgery years ago, and my hands tire easily…

  • mesh bags for winter bulb storage

    Tips on Storing Bulbs, Pruning Hedges, Supporting Plants, and Overwintering Biennials

    Mesh bags for winter storage - Winning Tip Every autumn, despite having saved mesh bags from my purchases of onions, bulbs, and the like, I find myself searching for additional…

  • coppicing

    What Is Coppicing, and How Is It Done?

    Coppicing is an age-old practice in which a tree or shrub is cut to the ground or almost to the ground. This severe cutback stimulates the root system to produce…

  • close up of bright red japanese maple

    How to Grow Japanese Maples

    The Northeast is well known for its native maple trees (Acer spp. and cvs., Zones 3–9). They are commonly used as forestry plants or sidewalk trees and are invaluable contributors…