Pennsylvania - Fine Gardening

  • new hedge next to blue wooden fence

    Designing a Unique Garden Fence

    Fences are to landscapes as dental plans are to general health insurance in the United States—crucial to the integrity of the whole but treated like a stand-alone issue until something…

  • bird on dusty pink flowers

    Michelle’s Habitat Gardens in Pennsylvania

    Hi GPODers! Yesterday we explored the joys (and beauty) of producing food through Mark's vegetable garden in Vermont (Mark’s Ornamental Vegetable Garden in Vermont). Today we're discussing another vital reason…

  • garden path leading to patio seating area

    Kevin’s Pennsylvania Garden in November

    Happy Monday GPODers! We're getting an update from another frequent contributor to the blog, Kevin Kelly in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Kevin's garden is spectacular is every season, and he's been very…

  • close up of moon gate with fall foliage behind

    Revisiting Carol’s Fall Garden, Part 2

    Hi GPODers! As promised, we're back in Carol Verhake's fall garden in Berwyn, Pennsylvania. After seeing a lovely array of plants with outrageous fall interest yesterday (check out Part 1…

  • ornamental grass in fall

    Revisiting Carol’s Fall Garden, Part 1

    Hi GPODers! Since posting some past GPOD submissions in A Few Favorite Fall Gardens from GPOD and Giving Thanks to the GPOD Community, I've been thrilled to receive some updates…

  • bright pink roses

    A Dry November in Carla’s Garden, Part 2

    Hi GPODers! We're back in Carla Zambelli Mudry's garden in Malvern, Pennsylvania! Yesterday we saw the incredible fall foliage backdrop that surrounds her gardens and a taste of some of…

  • wooded area with yellow fall foliage

    A Dry November in Carla’s Garden, Part 1

    Happy Monday GPODers! Today we're seeing how Carla Zambelli Mudry's garden is handling some uncharacteristically warm weather this fall. Carla sends regular updates on her garden in Malvern, Pennsylvania (some…

  • spring and summer gardens from GPOD

    Giving Thanks to the GPOD Community

    Happy Thanksgiving GPODers (and happy belated Thanksgiving to all of our Canadian readers)! I've been a part of building and preparing Garden Photo of the Day to send to all…

  • light pink bearded iris

    Plants That Can Anchor a Landscape

    While omitting anchor plants won’t cause your garden to up and float away, it can make conceptualizing your design more difficult and lead to a space that lacks good form…

  • Design

    Garden Tour of a Sustainable Native Plant Oasis Bursting with Fall Color

    When Jeff Lorenz and Kayla Fell purchased this property in the Philadelphia suburbs, they knew they had their work cut out for them. A front and back yard of mostly…