Ontario - Fine Gardening

  • deciduous tee covered in snow

    After the Storm in Caroline’s Ontario Garden

    Hi GPODers! A few weeks ago we saw Caroline Blais' garden in Belwood, Ontario, Canada during a snowstorm (Caroline’s Snow Day in Ontario). Despite the frigid temperatures and lots of…

  • robotic lawn mower in use

    Are Robotic Lawn Mowers Effective?

    Automation is everywhere, promising to make our lives easier and more productive. When it comes to mowing our lawns, the traditional time-saver has been finding someone else to do the…

  • bird perched on a branch during snow storm

    Caroline’s Snow Day in Ontario

    Hi GPODers! Snow can bring all kinds of added challenges to the winter garden. The heavy precipitation and ice that might follow can weigh down shrubs and break tree branches.…

  • spring and summer gardens from GPOD

    Giving Thanks to the GPOD Community

    Happy Thanksgiving GPODers (and happy belated Thanksgiving to all of our Canadian readers)! I've been a part of building and preparing Garden Photo of the Day to send to all…

  • large boulder next to small evergreens

    Bill and Dawn’s Farm Gardens in Ontario

    Happy Monday GPODers! We see gardens large and small here on GPOD, but it's not every day we get to see gardens on a 76-acre farm. Today, we're heading north…

  • several pots of Laurentii snake plant

    Low-Light Indoor Plants with Unique Foliage

    Who wouldn’t love a lush display of fabulous foliage filling their home during dreary winter months? I attempt to achieve this with select tropical plants I have nurtured for years.…

  • gravel path going through garden

    Lynn’s Garden in Ontario

    Hi GPODers! We started our week in Alice's Ontario garden, and we're staying in the province to visit Lynn Fournier and her lush landscape. She transformed her garden into a…

  • Blue Shadow Fothergilla, Color Guard Yucca and Wedding Gown Bigleaf Hydrangea

    The Best House Foundation Plants for Your Region

    When it comes to choosing foundation plants for your home, it’s important to pick species that not only enhance your landscape but also thrive in your specific climate. That’s why…

  • container with banana plant in garden bed

    Alice Says Goodbye to a Special Garden: Part 2

    Hi GPODers! Today we continue our farewell tour of Alice Fleurkens' garden in Sweaburg, Ontario. If you missed it, please check out Part 1, which includes links to some of her…

  • tiered garden bed

    Alice Says Goodbye to a Special Garden: Part 1

    Happy Monday GPODers! First, I want to say a huge thank you for all the kind words I got from Friday's post. The GPOD community continues to blow me away…