Illinois - Fine Gardening
Are Robotic Lawn Mowers Effective?
Automation is everywhere, promising to make our lives easier and more productive. When it comes to mowing our lawns, the traditional time-saver has been finding someone else to do the…
GPOD Vignettes: Standout Scenes and a Favorite Vantage Point
Hi GPODers! It has been a while, but I've finally amassed enough small submissions to compile another GPOD Vignette. If you're new, GPOD Vignettes allow me to share submissions that…
Cindy’s Top Summer Blooms Northwest Chicago
Hi GPODers! About a month ago, we took a trip across the pond with Cindy Strickland to Sissinghurst Castle Garden in Kent, UK. While I was compiling the assets and…
Giving Thanks to the GPOD Community
Happy Thanksgiving GPODers (and happy belated Thanksgiving to all of our Canadian readers)! I've been a part of building and preparing Garden Photo of the Day to send to all…
Low-Light Indoor Plants with Unique Foliage
Who wouldn’t love a lush display of fabulous foliage filling their home during dreary winter months? I attempt to achieve this with select tropical plants I have nurtured for years.…
GPOD Vignettes: Containers and Arrangements
Hi GPODers, and happy Friday! I’m back with another installment of GPOD Vignettes, a compilation of submissions too short for their own post but still worthy of sharing. To catch…
The Best House Foundation Plants for Your Region
When it comes to choosing foundation plants for your home, it’s important to pick species that not only enhance your landscape but also thrive in your specific climate. That’s why…
Celebrating Summer and Welcoming Fall with Howard’s Containers
Hi GPODers! No matter the season, it's always a pleasure to see the container creations Howard Nemeroff creates for this clients in Chicago, Illinois. Owner of Plant Parenting, Inc., Howard…
A Botanical Bucket-List Bloom
Happy Monday GPODers! First, I want to thank everyone for their feedback on my experimental post on Friday. Overall, I got the sense that we most enjoy hearing more from…
Uncommon Combinations for Fall Container Gardens
Containers are the finishing touch in any garden and can be filled for every season. Summer is typically seen as the pinnacle of planting for containers, but that is just…