Georgia - Fine Gardening
Steve Says Goodbye to Summer in Atlanta
Hi GPODers! For those unfamiliar, a few times this year I did "GPOD Vignettes." These were compilation-style posts that featured a handful of short submissions (only a photo or two).…
Julie’s Georgia Garden in Summer and Fall, Part 2
Hi GPODers! We're back in Julie Prince's gorgeous garden in Albany, Georgia (check out Part 1 if you missed it). Here's a refresher on what Julie said about her garden…
Julie’s Georgia Garden in Summer and Fall, Part 1
Happy Monday GPODers! We're starting the week with an update from Julie Prince in southwest Georgia. Julie has shared her fabulous garden in summer and fall before (check out those…
The Best Japanese Maples for Southern Gardens
Japanese maples (Acer palmatum and cvs., Zones 6–9) are prized for their graceful forms, stunning foliage, and vibrant fall colors. However, gardening in the southeastern United States poses unique challenges,…
3 Designer Secrets for Using Color to Make Your Garden Great
Color is a powerful tool. By using it skillfully, you can make any size outdoor space visually impactful. Color can also be used to ensure our landscapes are more comfortable…
The Best House Foundation Plants for Your Region
When it comes to choosing foundation plants for your home, it’s important to pick species that not only enhance your landscape but also thrive in your specific climate. That’s why…
Tips and Tricks for Growing Bougainvillea
Mention bougainvillea to almost anyone, and their first images may be of sun-drenched stucco walls festooned in the neon colors of the tropics. From beachside to desert to lush tropics,…
A Spring to Remember in Bonnie’s North Georgia Garden
Happy Monday GPODers! Today's submission is an extra treat for me because we're getting an update from Bonnie Plikaytis and her incredible woodland garden in north Georgia. Back in early…
GPOD Vignettes: A Succulent Front Yard, New Blooms from a Zesty Plant, and a Compost Cake
Happy Friday GPODers! We're doing something a little different today, I'm starting a new series I'm calling "GPOD Vignettes". We often get submissions that are a little too short for…
Connie’s New Garden
Today’s photos are from Connie Raines in Georgia. I am a hobby gardener and a professional interior designer. I learned about plants and flowers while tending my own small city…