Garden Photo of the Day

Too Soon for Fall?

Are you ready to turn the seasonal corner? Marlene Mullet (northern Ohio) is reminding us about what's to come!

"I love the changing seasons and fall is one of my favorites in the garden! Despite the fact that fall indicates that winter is around the corner, the beautiful reds,oranges, and yellows are a great way to end the growing season. Some of my favorite fall plants are smokebush,sedum,asters,and mums. I don't cut down many of my plants in the fall because I think they look interesting in the winter with snow piled on top. I would love to share my winter gardens in the future, which is a whole other subject!"

Please keep sending in photos (and stories)! Whether you've never shared before or you've been featured multiple times, we want to see your garden! Email a few photos and the story behind your garden to [email protected].

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View 31 comments


  1. user-3565112 08/26/2015

    This is outstanding. Your gardens look like mother nature designed her own personal garden & placed it in your yard. Please tell me what the red plant is in the 1st picture & how you get mums to survive, I have had no luck with mums.

    1. marlenemullet 08/26/2015

      Thanks! The red shrub in the first pic is burning bush and about the mums: they are hard to get over the winter! Mine never grow very big. I have found most ornamental mums don't survive. When buying mums to plant I just hope they are hardy enough to withstand the winter and maybe mulch them well. Some make it and some don't, I don't really have a certain kind that works.

  2. user-4691082 08/26/2015

    Are those photos from this year? I hope not! Your garden is beautiful but I am just not ready for fall!

    1. marlenemullet 08/26/2015

      These photos are from last year:)

  3. User avater
    meander_michaele 08/26/2015

    I, too, Marlene, am enthralled with the rich and sumptuous color palette of fall and even here so much further south (east TN), there are hintsit is on its way like in the reddening tips of the switch grasses. Those blues from your asters are you remember which variety they are? Sounds like we have something to look forward to when you send in and share some winter pictures.

    1. marlenemullet 08/26/2015

      Thanks! I would say the asters are October Skies.

  4. wGardens 08/26/2015

    Wonderful photos and easy to see why fall is a favorite time for you. Your gardens are beautiful. I also admire the mature trees in the background. It adds to the lure of your gardens. Looking forward to the winter photos- but not TOO soon! :-) !

    1. marlenemullet 08/26/2015


  5. User avater
    Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 08/26/2015

    Gorgeous, Marlene. We've certainly had fall-like weather here in Ohio this week, but these are obviously from last year, right? You can't be *that* far ahead of Central Ohio! I love the colors of your mums. They do look like more perennial varieties. Maybe one is Will's Wonderful? I used to dismiss fall color in the garden because it seemed so fleeting, but when I realized that it wasn't any less fleeting than spring color, my entire perspective changed. Thanks for sending in the fall photos and do send in winter photos. Later. When it's cold!

    1. marlenemullet 08/26/2015

      Thanks! I'm not sure on the names of the mums. I just take a chance when I buy mums to plant that they will survive the winter, some do and some don't. The ornamentals usually are not very hardy. And yes the pics are from last year:)

  6. NCYarden 08/26/2015

    Your Fall display is amazing - great splashes of vivid hues. and it's never too early for Fall. Beautiful colors, air and temps worthy of long stretches in the garden in a more enjoyable fashion. Love those asters (October Skies maybe?) - always a welcome site and indicator of Autumn.These photos excite me as I eagerly anticipate cooler temps here in NC. The garden has had to bear some severe extremes this year - I see it begging for mercy, and I echo the sentiment. Thanks for sharing and reminding me it's not too far off.

    1. marlenemullet 08/26/2015

      Thanks! I would say the asters are October Skies. We are having a dry spell here and the gardens are stressed:(

  7. GrannyCC 08/26/2015

    Lovely colours but I am not ready for Fall yet. You have designed well for the season. We have a drought on Vancouver Island on the west coast of Canada and I am hoping for rain this week so we can still enjoy some summer flowers.

    1. marlenemullet 08/26/2015

      Thanks! We are also having a dry spell here and could use rain.

  8. User avater
    LindaonWhidbey 08/26/2015

    Beautiful fall garden photos. Like you, Marlene, fall is one of my favorite times, but three years ago, we moved to the Pacific NW, so the fall here is not quite as spectacular. Thanks for giving me a glimpse of true fall. Love those Asters!

    1. marlenemullet 08/26/2015


  9. Quiltingmamma 08/26/2015

    These photos are Fall at its best....but I am in denial that it is coming all too soon. I do love the intensity of the colours that the Fall light can bring, the smell of wood smoke in the air and the need for a sweater - but I like a good wine, I like to let summer age and bloom to its maturity, then enjoy it to its full before pulling out that richer riper Fall vintages. Please don't share the winter ones until after this year's first snowfall....

    1. marlenemullet 08/26/2015

      Thanks! I will try to hold off posting winter pics:)

  10. thevioletfern 08/26/2015

    I'm ready! Beautiful colors in a beautiful garden. Love the purple aster and orange.

    1. marlenemullet 08/26/2015


  11. sheila_schultz 08/26/2015

    Your fall gardens are lovely Marlene! It won't be long before the crisp days and evenings bring the rich colors of fall to our gardens... but like most of the other GPOD'ers, I'm in no rush. I need a little more time to relax and enjoy my summer gardens before the hard work begins again ;)

    1. marlenemullet 08/26/2015

      Thanks! I agree:)

  12. Meelianthus 08/26/2015

    Really beautiful Marlene. I love all of your photos but the first one looks like a painting that you could just step right into, lovely. Our chilly nites here in the PNW are letting us know that Fall is on the way.

    1. marlenemullet 08/26/2015


  13. perenniallycrazy 08/26/2015

    I must admit that it took me a long time to appreciate the beauty and wonder of the fall garden. I wish I had seen your garden photos much much sooner. Your fall garden is mesmerizing and truly exudes the beauty that autumn brings.

    1. marlenemullet 08/26/2015


  14. user-7007327 08/26/2015

    Rich, brilliant, colors. Oh, how I long for fall here in the deep south.

  15. schatzi 08/26/2015

    What a delicious tease! Gorgeous! Send more! Love the first picture especially, but all are beautiful. Personally, by the end of August I am ready for cooler temps, just not too fast, so we can enjoy the fall. We have had the hottest, dryest summer on record here in the PNW and I am tired of hauling hoses. But I sure have enjoyed the produce that the heat, plus water, produced. Happy Fall.

  16. christianesterges 08/26/2015

    fairytale autumn in Brussels it feels like it's going to be an early fall this year ...the dryness and the strong wind have already brought down quite a few brown leaves

  17. greengenes 08/26/2015

    Beautiful colors and textures, Marlene! Good job! I like the bird house one with the orange! I guess iam getting ready for fall! Thanks so much for sharing with us!

  18. user-7007076 08/27/2015

    Wow! The colors are so lovely! Here in central MN fall doesn't seem too far off after dipping to lows of 45 for a couple nights this week. So, your photos were a great reminder of the spenders to come with fall and winter. As a gardener each season brings anticipation of what the growth, additions, alterations to a garden will look like in the next season. That anticipation is an especially encouraging thing in northern climates where winter is long days and many days just too frigid to linger outside. So, thanks for the reminder of all the lovely things to come!

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