Garden Photo of the Day

READER PHOTOS! Lotta’s garden in Sweden

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Lotta Lindekrantz

Can we say SWOON?? Today’s photos are from Lotta Lindekrantz’s beautiful garden in SWEDEN!

Lotta says, “Here is some pictures from my garden near Gothenburg, Sweden. An old garden that I try to make my own without ruin it to much! 🙂 A place for me and my family to hang out in. And we love it! Welcome to my blog to see more of my garden:”

You know I’m a sucker for a glimpse of a faraway land, and this garden is so charming and pretty, too, Lotta. Thanks so much for sharing it with us!

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Lotta Lindekrantz
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Lotta Lindekrantz
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Lotta Lindekrantz
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Lotta Lindekrantz
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Lotta Lindekrantz
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Lotta Lindekrantz
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Lotta Lindekrantz
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Lotta Lindekrantz
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Lotta Lindekrantz
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Lotta Lindekrantz
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Lotta Lindekrantz

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View 17 comments


  1. Annesfirst 05/25/2012

    This garden is sheer poetry. Lotta is an artist, not only in the garden, but with the camera as well.

  2. cwheat000 05/25/2012

    Magical place. The only thing more beautiful than your garden are your babies.

  3. dukeofargy 05/25/2012

    Fabulous. The garden is amazing. I love the play of colour throughout. I've always been a sucker for grasses, and yours are lovely. Nice shot of the kids in the garden.

  4. Wife_Mother_Gardener 05/25/2012

    Beautiful! It looks like a wonderful place to relax and live.

  5. User avater
    meander_michaele 05/25/2012

    Lotta, your garden is the very definition of charming and many idyllic spots. No wonder it is so beloved by you and family. You are obviously a very worthy owner of a garden that has proven to be timeless.

  6. davsav 05/25/2012

    How truly beautiful, especially the children in the garden. I love the sweet peas and stones. It's makes me lonesome for a colder climate. Thank you so much for your pictures.

  7. janetsfolly 05/25/2012

    This is so beautiful, rocks and water, art without artifice, and a talented photographer to share it all. I'm especially captivated by the contrasting textures, yummy! You've given me some great ideas, Lotta, thank you so much. Now I just need some big rocks ;-)!

  8. sumhillgardener 05/25/2012

    This garden is so charming. Wonderful use of stone and tucked -in plants and two little adorable children enjoying the space! Thank you for sharing the photos!

  9. pattyspencer 05/25/2012

    How magical your garden is!!! I went to your blog - can't understand a word of it but your pictures speak volumns!!! Gorgeous pictures of your home your garden and family.

  10. windwalker810 05/25/2012

    love your gardens, especially the mixtures of flowers,rocks and grasses. Brought me back to my visit to Sweden - what a green, lush land with lots of dedicated gardeners!

  11. tractor1 05/25/2012

    Lotta is lucky to have inherited such a lovely mature property and she is certainly doing a grand job of maintaining its character. I like that little out building with its typical Scandinavian tile roof, and of course the flag of Sweden is so apropos. Thank you for sharing.

  12. snollygaster 05/25/2012

    Gorgeous! I love the brunnera flanked on either side by the purple heuchera. Definitely going to use that one. Thanks for sharing!

  13. pattyspencer 05/25/2012

    Tractor1 - read your reply and I agree with you about being frank and direct. I hate candy coating as well (unless it's actually ON candy - lol) That being said some people don't take kindly to "frank and direct" - it's all about knowing your audience. It's easier to swallow positive criticism than (what other might persieve) negative (even tho in your mind you're trying to be helpful) JMO from working 28 years with State workers and (going into now) 17 years as a Boy Scout Leader

    LOVE your kitty!!!!!

  14. shuttereye 05/25/2012

    Magnificent and lush brimming with lots of beauty! I an almost feel the green of your gardens!!

  15. peonylover 05/25/2012

    I was just in Sweden last week. Lovely gardens everywhere. Lotta, you have a treasure.

  16. solana1234 05/25/2012

    Just looked at your blog and oh my such beautiful photos and gardens!
    I love the rock walls and vibrant colors!
    I wish I knew swedish to read your captions lol.

  17. lotlin 05/29/2012

    Thank you all for your nice words!

    To all you new readers from foreign countries. Thank you for visiting my blog and viewing my photos.
    From now on you will also be able to read the texts (and probably get a good laugh) using the translation tool I've added on the left side. Sometimes it generates quite funny sentences.
    In a "swenglish" manner.
    But please have a little patience and some imagination and you should probably be able to figure out what I write.

    Have fun.

    See you!

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