Garden Photo of the Day

READER PHOTOS! Bruce’s garden in Louisiana

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Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Bruce Thompson

Boy, we sure have been all over the continent in the past few weeks! New York, Massachusetts, Montana, California, Nova Scotia, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Oregon, New Jersey… Let’s travel south today. Ahhhh! So warm after Friday’s snowy scenes. Today’s photos are from Bruce Thompson in Lake Charles, Louisiana.

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Bruce Thompson

He says, “This is a picture of my backyard that we converted to our pool and outdoor cooking area. Since all my yard was used I have resorted to planting in pots as much as possible. We were also able to purchase the property behind us so I have more space  to continue my passion for plants, and also put in a small stocked pond with a very tranquil fountain.”

Beautiful, Bruce! Thanks for the tour.

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Bruce Thompson

I know there are parts of the continent we haven’t heard from yet. Send in your photos! No fear–we could always stand to see more from the states we’ve already visited, too.  🙂   Heck, we’ll even go international! Just email me. [email protected]. If you put GPOD in the subject line, your email isn’t as likely to get lost in the never-ending flow…

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Bruce Thompson
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Bruce Thompson
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Bruce Thompson
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Bruce Thompson
View 10 comments


  1. plantfever 01/09/2012

    I'm ready to sit at your bar to have a refreshing cocktail!
    You have a fabulous backyard! I would find it hard to leave
    and would definitely think about working from home!! ;)

  2. wwross 01/09/2012

    Thats cool. Do you have a lot of pool maintenance with leaf dropping?

  3. shy_gardener 01/09/2012

    I want to be there! But I will settle for more pictures, please!

  4. carolakxxx 01/09/2012

    This is quite lovely. This garden calls to you to come out and enjoy it. Thanks for sharing.

  5. pattyspencer 01/09/2012

    Really nice back yard - has a nice secluded feel about it. I too was wondering about leaf droppings and how much work it would take every year.

  6. tractor1 01/09/2012

    Lovely yard. That swimming pool looks very inviting.
    Is that a young mimosa tree focused on next to the stocked pool... must be more proud of it than of the cropped out pool. I planted a mimosa tree in the front yard of my first house (1970), I was very proud of it too, but that time bomb blew up in my face. Its seeds eventually sprouted everywhere, needless to say my neighbors were not happy.
    I'd remove it immediately before it grows larger and plant something appropriate... that's a perfect spot for Acer griseum.

  7. annek 01/09/2012

    What a fascinating garden gate opening onto a lush tropical garden.

  8. sheilaschultz 01/09/2012

    What a lovely space to relax with friends and family, you have created a lovely party 'yard' Bruce!

  9. User avater
    meander_michaele 01/09/2012

    That sure looks like the good life! I'll bet a well earned dip in the pool feels delicious after putting in a few hours of gardening.

  10. susanjeanhuberknoppe 06/20/2014

    Such a lovely oasis. Nothing like creating it in your own back yard, we did the same thing too!

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