Garden Photo of the Day

Orchids of Kauai

By Kim Charles

Laurel Statz from Cross Plains, Wisconsin shares her breathtaking orchid photos from Hawaii

"I would like to submit my orchid pictures from McBryde National Botanical Garden at Poipu on the southern side of the island.

This was our first trip to Hawaii and really we only scratched the surface of what there is to do and see on the Island of Kauai. There is a widely varied selection of climates and landscapes on the island and there are officially 7 other islands!  We hope to get back there soon. The man in the last picture is my sweet hubby! But look at how this orchid roots entwine the tree trunk!"

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View 19 comments


  1. User avater
    meander_michaele 04/18/2017

    My, oh my, these exotic (to me) beauties are mesmerizing. It had to be so fun to see them growing in a more natural way ...rather than as a potted plant. Sounds like you definitely have plans for future trips to Hawaii.

  2. User avater
    Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 04/18/2017

    I love the varied colors and forms of orchids. Thanks for sharing your trip.

  3. NCYarden 04/18/2017

    So beautiful. Without a doubt, orchids are fascinating plants. Thanks for sharing.

  4. foxglove12 04/18/2017


  5. Sunshine111 04/18/2017

    Gorgeous! I love orchids! I am attaching photos of a few of my own...

    1. schatzi 04/18/2017

      Lily, I too loveorchids and this Paph is one of my favorites. Thanx for the pix.

    2. Carolyn100 12/22/2018

      So beautiful!!!

  6. GrannyCC 04/18/2017

    Beautiful and gorgeous pictures too. it is amazing how many varieties there are.

  7. user-7007125 04/18/2017

    Lovely! What month was this?

    1. LaurelEm 04/18/2017

      Last week of March

      1. user-7007125 04/18/2017

        thanks Laurie... so looking for a great holiday that includes gardens.

  8. User avater
    LindaonWhidbey 04/18/2017

    Kauai is our favorite of the Hawaiian Islands with all of its beautiful gardens. We were quite envious of how orchids could just be grown on trees. We used to have a large collection of them in our kitchen window in WI and seeing them in the wild is much more exciting. Thanks for sharing your lovely photos.

  9. schatzi 04/18/2017

    Wow! What a trip that must have been. The orchids and the photos of them are gorgeous.
    Thanks for sharing.

  10. DarliBarli 04/18/2017

    Just as I was forgetting my life long urge to live and garden on Kauai, you re-ignite my passion big-time!! I've been to the garden you describe, and know it is a worthwhile trip, Your photos are lovely. Thanks so much for sharing and brightening everyone's day!

  11. tennisluv 04/18/2017

    Laurel, thanks for sharing your pictures of the gorgeous orchids that you saw on your trip to Kauai. Orchids are such interesting and beautiful flowers. I spent a week working in Honolulu several years back, but had very little time to play tourist. So I did not get to enjoy the beauty of the island. Would love to go back and visit all the beautiful places on as many islands as possible. Thanks for sharing.

  12. millienavarrorumain 04/18/2017

    Beautiful pictures, thanks for sharing!

  13. LaurelEm 04/18/2017

    I am just now noticing that if you take an Orchid picture, with the bloom slightly at an angle, they look like they have a question to ask.

  14. cynthiamccain 04/19/2017

    Gorgeous! Thanks for sharing!

  15. Carolyn100 12/22/2018

    I am really enjoying this site.

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