Garden Photo of the Day

Clematis mix-up

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Photo/Illustration: Michelle Gervais

The next time you plant a clematis, consider adding a second, contrasting variety for a striking combination of colors and forms. In this vignette designed by Eve Thyrum in Wilmington, Delaware, the irridescent floating balls both harmonize with and reflect the beatuiful blooms of the clematis vines.

Welcome to the Fine Gardening Garden Photo of the Day blog! Every weekday we post a new photo of a great garden, a spectacular plant, a stunning plant combination, or any number of other subjects. Think of it as your morning jolt of green. Sign up to get it in your mailbox, so you’ll always remember to take a look. We look forward to sharing our garden travels with you. If you think you have a photo that we should share on the Garden Photo of the day, email us. Send hi-res images to [email protected] with GPOD in the subject line. We’ll only respond if we plan to use your photo.

View 4 comments


  1. MJH714 01/15/2010

    I love this combination! I mixed the cobalt blue with a deep burgundy clematis on a tripod trellis. The bloom time overlaps and gives a beginning in blue, dual color at peak ending with burgundy. Gives height and form to the garden along with a spectacular focal point.

  2. arboretum 01/15/2010

    I agree completely with MJ's comments. In the right spot, that is visually unchaotic,interplanting 2 clem. varieties is so much more interesting than a single variety.

  3. valleygardener 01/15/2010

    First of all, this idea of sending a garden photo each day is wonderful. It is brightening my day. Nature gives us the signal to keep on going. Keep them coming!

    As for the clematis photo, what a great combination and an idea I may plan into my garden. I am still learning about the growing cycle of clematis in my Southern CA garden but am successful with the Etoile de Violette being company to a Joseph's Coat rose.

  4. ThankGod4Gardening 01/18/2010

    Beautiful photo! I have also mixed Clematis varieties with those having different bloom times together so I could extend color in an area throughout the summer...I have planted as many as 4 varieties on one trellis spacing them as if they were in a square foot gardening plot--planting in an X shape spaced around the on each end, one in front and the other in the behind the trellis...stacking a small mock brick wall in front for shading their roots. It gave room to grow and kept them shaded, happy and always a focal point. Clematis vines have also worked well for me when grown on the same trellis with a continuous blooming rose--either using a taller rose or trimming down a climbing rose to match the size of the Clematis. The color combinations were awesome! It worked best when I trained them to grow with limited branch made trimming out winter dieback on each plant much easier.

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