Garden Photo of the Day

Carol’s Healing Garden in Northern California

After losing a gorgeous landscape that took over 30 years to cultivate, a gardener is healing and growing in a new colorful space

succulents growing in birdbath next to purple flowers

Hi GPODers!

While I try my best to keep it light here on GPOD—with all of the hardship going on in the world, I hope the blog can provide readers a small bright spot in their day—but today’s submission reminded me that we do need to have some discussion about difficult events to help find healing and provide hope.

The complete impact of the devastating wildfires that ravaged Los Angeles earlier this month have yet to be seen, but those that have lost home and property are already dealing with the heartbreaking loss and figuring out how to move forward. Carol Cowee has a few words of hope after surviving the California wildfires in 2018, and shared some colorful photos of the new tranquil space they cultivated after losing everything six years ago. (To see photos of the incredible garden that Carol sadly lost, check out her previous submissions: Rebuilding a Garden After a Fire and Roses, Despite Fire and Clay)

Carol Cowee, Redding, CA, zone 9. We’ve been in this, our 17th house, for 6 years after losing our home of 34 years and 170 roses, to a wildfire in 2018. Obviously, one does survive, and thrive, after such devastation as we are now observing the horrendous fires in SoCal! Just a word of encouragement to those souls. We gardeners are so lucky to have healing right at our fingertips…

pink and orange rose bush growing in a pot on edge of patioIn her previous submissions, Carol mentioned that she was able to save some small roses from the incredible collection she lost. I wonder if this multicolored Playboy® in pot (Rosa ‘Playboy’, Zones 5–10) is one of those survivors or a new addition that is thriving?

view of back garden from patio seating areaWhile the amazing gardens that were lost will never be forgotten, Carol has an incredible view of her back garden to help heal and inspire new creation.

garden bed at edge of garden with large black potWhile not the fully filled in, mature plants that Carol lost in 2018, her news beds are providing fabulous color and joy as well as new memories. The tall, stylish pot in the middle of this bed is a gift from a friend.

back garden bed with natural pond behindA closer view of the back garden with the lovely view of Gregory Pond that Carol now enjoys from her new home.

succulents growing in birdbath next to purple flowersA beautiful foundation planting of pink Madeira™ Crested argyranthemum (Argyranthemum frutescens, Zones 5–7)  pairs well with the succulents in the bird bath beside that are sending out lovely shoots of peach-colored blooms.

covered patio looking out to back gardenAnother stunning view of Carol’s back garden, revealing that the pot of Playboy® roses actually has a matching companion. Carol says this is Where her and her husband often have “cocktails on the veranda”. I can’t think of a better place to rest and relax!

different colored cut roses in a vase Lastly, Carol surrounds herself with color inside as well as out. A delightful array of colorful roses from the garden make an incredible arrangement.

Thank you so much for sharing your new space with us, Carol! It is really inspiring to see what you’ve created and witness your hope in despite of devastating loss.

We love celebrating gardening wins on GPOD, but we all know that gardening has just as many lows as it does highs and documenting our challenges offers us a space to heal and learn from each other’s experiences. If you’ve experienced gardening destruction, or complete loss, consider sharing your story with the blog.

And if you’re looking for ways to help those effected by the wildfires in L.A., visit this resource from the City of Los Angeles’ website: Support Wildfire Relief Efforts


Have a garden you’d like to share?

Have photos to share? We’d love to see your garden, a particular collection of plants you love, or a wonderful garden you had the chance to visit!

To submit, send 5-10 photos to [email protected] along with some information about the plants in the pictures and where you took the photos. We’d love to hear where you are located, how long you’ve been gardening, successes you are proud of, failures you learned from, hopes for the future, favorite plants, or funny stories from your garden.

Have a mobile phone? Tag your photos on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter with #FineGardening!

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View 3 comments


  1. MohawkValley 01/29/2025

    Those memories will drive new visions , incorporating the "old with the new" . Good luck with your new visions and here's to your old survivors ! Peace from the Mohawk Valley in central NYS .

  2. User avater
    treasuresmom 01/29/2025

    Love that succulents in the bird bath.

  3. btucker9675 01/29/2025

    Gardens themselves are physical representations of hope - we wait each Spring for the shoots to push up through the cold soil and feel joy each time. Your new garden is a perfect example of that hope!

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