
  • What Is the Best Mulch? We Put Mulch Qualities to the Test

    Every gardener wants a gorgeous garden. Choosing the right plants for your site and using proper planting techniques are, of course, essential steps in establishing a successful landscape. Choosing the…

  • balance in the garden

    The Power of Balance

    Use this essential design principle to create a garden that looks good and feels right

  • designing terrariums

    Create Easy and Amazing Terrariums

    Why limit yourself to a single, static design in a closed, foggy vessel?

  • Top 10 Large-Leaved Perennials

    Whether you set out to design a garden with large-leaved perennials or you happen upon one or more in the nursery that you just cannot resist, adding an architectural giant…

  • a mix of low-growing grasses and perennials with similar textures punctuated with plants with contrasting textures, colors and sizes creates a dynamic transition between the garden and the fields beyond

    Matrix Planting

    When designer Adam Woodruff was hired to create a landscape for a newly renovated home in Illinois, the existing site was mostly turf with a swimming pool surrounded by a…

  • Beautiful edibles intermingle with useful ornamentals and a yellow ladder trellis

    How to Spruce Up Your Veggie Garden

    Edible gardens are, too often, purely utilitarian spaces relegated to the outer reaches of an overall garden design. But they can be so much more with just a few design…

  • Knock-Your-Socks-Off Trees

    Trees are a big deal. Once planted, they will change the garden around them and become the backbone of the landscape. They are the part of our gardens that will…

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