

Pseudolarix kaempferi

One species of deciduous, coniferous tree makes up this genus from the forests of China. The leaves are in rosette form on short shoots or spiral around long lateral or upright shoots. Plants are monoecious. Female cones are large and scaly and release their seeds by disintegrating. Male cones are more like catkins. Pseudolarix is an excellent specimen tree, although it is slow-growing when young. Its common name comes from its golden fall color.

Noteworthy CharacteristicsGolden orange fall color. Attractive branching habit. Ornamental cones.

CareNeeds deep, fertile, acidic to neutral, well-drained soil in a warm, sheltered site in full sun. Prune while dormant to a healthy framework.

PropagationTake greenwood cuttings in early summer or sow seed in containers outdoors in spring.


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