
tan-ah-SEE-tum Audio
Tanacetum parthenium

The genus Tanacetum is comprised of 70 species of annuals, perennials, and subshrubs from northern temperate regions. Their leaves are often aromatic and deeply cut, while the daisy- or button-shaped flowers are showy in shades including pinks, whites, and yellows. Tanacetum includes species that are useful in rock and herb gardens, and in borders. Many are good for cut flowers and potpourri.

Noteworthy CharacteristicsAromatic, toothed or scalloped leaves and daisy- or button-like flowers with yellow disk florets. Skin allergies may be aggravated by contact with the foliage.

CareTanacetum  prefer well-drained, sandy soil in full sun, but most will tolerate any soil except that which is wet or heavy. Some species need excellent drainage and poorer soil.

PropagationDivide perennials, or root basal cuttings, in spring. Sow seed at 50° to 55°F in late winter or early spring. Some species can be propagated from softwood cuttings as well.

ProblemsAphids, chrysanthemum nematode, and leaf miners may be troublesome.

Species and cultivars

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