

Halesia carolina

The genus Halesia is comprised of a handful of deciduous trees and shrubs from woodlands and riverbanks of the southeastern U.S. and eastern China. They are used in the garden for their dangling, usually white, bell-shaped flowers; interesting winged fruit; and good autumn color. Grow as specimens, in a shrub border, or in a woodland garden. They generally reach 20 to 40 feet tall.

Noteworthy CharacteristicsFlowers, fruit, and fall color are all noteworthy.

CareProvide a sheltered spot in fertile, humusy, moist but well-drained soil that has a neutral to acidic pH.

PropagationLayer in spring, or take softwood cuttings in summer. Can also be started from seed sown at 57-77°F in autumn; move the containers to a cold frame after two months.

ProblemsRoot rot, wood rot, scale insects.

Species and cultivars

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